El-Nour is a company that has been operating since 1997 and specializes in providing equipment for various types of food businesses.

Their expertise lies in several areas, including bakery lines and equipment, kitchen preparation equipment for hotels and resorts, coffee shops and cafeterias, ice cream soft and hard machines, and refrigerated room equipment for cold lines. The company’s primary focus is to help businesses in the food industry operate more efficiently and effectively by providing them with the necessary equipment to meet their needs. Whether it’s a small coffee shop or a large hotel kitchen, El-Nour has the expertise and equipment to help businesses succeed. With over two decades of experience in the industry, El-Nour has become a trusted name and a go-to provider of high-quality equipment for the food industry.

El-Nour is a company that is committed to delivering high-quality equipment to the food industry. They offer a wide range of products to meet the diverse needs of their clients. For example, their bakery equipment includes dough mixers, bread slicers, and ovens, while their kitchen preparation equipment ranges from commercial grills and fryers to food processors and mixers. They also supply coffee shops and cafeterias with a variety of coffee machines, grinders, and accessories, as well as ice cream soft and hard machines for businesses that offer frozen treats.


El-Nour’s expertise in refrigeration and cold lines is also noteworthy. They provide refrigeration equipment for both small and large businesses, including walk-in coolers and freezers, display cases, and blast chillers. Their refrigeration solutions are designed to help businesses store and preserve their perishable goods while maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and safety.


In addition to their wide range of products, El-Nour also provides exceptional customer service. They work closely with their clients to understand their unique needs and offer customized solutions that meet their specific requirements. Their team is knowledgeable, experienced, and committed to providing the highest level of service to their clients.


Overall, El-Nour is a company that has established a strong reputation in the food industry for providing high-quality equipment and exceptional customer service. Their commitment to delivering customized solutions and their expertise in a wide range of areas make them a reliable partner for any business in the food industry.

El-Nour places a strong emphasis on hygiene and safety when designing and manufacturing their equipment. They understand that businesses in the food industry need to adhere to strict regulations to ensure that their products are safe for consumption, and they take this responsibility seriously.


To ensure that their equipment meets the highest standards of hygiene and safety, El-Nour follows a rigorous quality control process. They use high-quality materials and components in their equipment, and all their products are designed with sanitation and ease of cleaning in mind. They also conduct thorough testing and inspection of their products to ensure that they meet or exceed industry standards.


In addition to their quality control process, El-Nour provides training and support to their clients on how to properly use and maintain their equipment. They offer guidance on proper cleaning procedures and provide recommendations on cleaning products that are safe to use with their equipment. This helps to ensure that their clients are able to maintain high standards of hygiene and safety when using their equipment.

El-Nour is a company that has been operating since 1997 and specializes in providing equipment for various types of food businesses
El-Nour is a company that has been operating since 1997 and specializes in providing equipment for various types of food businesses

Overall, El-Nour is committed to providing equipment that meets the highest standards of hygiene and safety. Their quality control process, use of high-quality materials, and focus on sanitation and ease of cleaning all contribute to their ability to meet this commitment.



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